Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jerry-rigging the election process.

This slanderous letter has been found posted around our community and is a perfect example of what NOT do when running for your local HOA board. Try to keep the mud slinging at bay. Think about the true reason behind someone running for a seat. 
Anyway I thought I would post the letter that was endorsed by Polivka, Brooks, and Story . My biggest concern with the new board is that they live on site, year round. Jerry lives in Arkansas Brooks lives in California.  We already have trouble with meetings because board members live so far away. We have a better chance of success if we are all on site. We get to see the day to day issues with our community and we act as a "community", not people living miles apart.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what this was on my door. Lunatic.

Anonymous said...

My biggest concern with the new board is that they live on site, year round. Jerry lives in Arkansas and is a snow bird.... we already have trouble with meetings because board members live so far away. We have a better chance of success if we are all on site.

So I can assume you oppose Carless, Owens and Padilla since none of them live on site?

one La vida owner said...

Walter... it's a concern- not a prerequisite.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know where our mailboxes are located.